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God is better than you've dreamed.
Your voice is bigger than you've discovered.
Knowing both is your destiny!


That you would know the reality of God’s love until it overflows out of every fiber of your being!


1) For YOU, the beloved son or daughter of God, to experience God’s goodness and to discover the greatness of your unique voice in Him!


2) For the global Church to look and live like the Jesus we carry!


Every book, article, and resource will help you:

  • Walk in Intimacy with God and Others

  • Unlock Your Inheritance in Christ

  • Celebrate and Elevate your Unique Identity on Earth

Check out these Resources.

Image by Bookblock
Resources to Discover The Goodness of God
Resources to Uncover the Greatness of Your Unique Voice

About Chuck  Ammons

Who I Am: A father, a husband, a teacher, an author, a friend.

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Chuck Ammons serves alongside some of his closest friends at Overflow Church in Valrico, FL. His passion is to help people experience God's goodness as Father and to embrace their unique voice in His Kingdom with confidence!

As an author, he has written seven books, with a few on the way! 

As a member of the singer-songwriter group, Valley's End, he has had the pleasure of co-writing, performing, and releasing 15 songs and one full-length album over the past 5 years.


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What Others Are Saying About Chuck  Ammons

There are authors who come on the scene with a fresh word from God. This is one of them! Pastor Chuck Ammons, backed with years of powerful ministry that impacts culture, is an author who speaks with passion and clarity!

Dr. Brian Simmons

Lead Translator, The Passion Translation

God is raising up emerging voices of reason and common sense to speak the truth in love and Chuck Ammons is one of the strongest of these voices that I know. For a long time I have referred to Chuck as a rapid-fire revelator. With every new release, he only offers further proof as to the accuracy of this characterization.

Bill Vanderbush

Author, Unveiled Horizon & Reckless Grace

If John the Beloved had a spiritual twin, it would be Chuck Ammons. He keeps his ear to the chest of Jesus, knowing His heart and sharing it with everyone he meets.

Caleb Hyers

Senior Leader, The Resting Place Church

Author, Living in Dependenceville   Common Unity

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